With sections on work, the self, relationships, and language, this book is indispensable for anyone who wants to improve what they say, and how they say it.
Packed with insights, exercises, success stories, and personal coaching tips for how to increase communicator effectiveness through a variety of familiar personal and professional scenarios.
Access 35K+ books, 30K+ hours of video, case studies, interactive tutorials, audiobooks, and O'Reilly conference videos. You must use your YC username and password to access.
You can stop feeling sad, mad, nervous, or out of control and start being happier, calmer, and more in charge of your own destiny. Let one of the world's most renowned brain doctors show you how.
Swank Digital Campus streams a mix of classic and contemporary films from major motion picture studios. The collection of films available to the Yavapai College community varies by academic year.
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