Review the differences between scholarly (peer-reviewed), popular, and trade periodicals.
Both the Prescott & Verde Valley Campus Libraries have periodicals in a number of formats:
Periodicals are magazines, newspapers, and journals published at intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) with content controlled by an editor.
Types of periodicals include:
Ulrichsweb is a library database that provides detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals including:
Search Ulrichsweb by the periodical title to determine the type of publication. If it is peer-reviewed,you'll see this symbol
Periodical articles are often the best sources for research if you need:
Periodicals provide:
If you are looking for an article from a specific journal title, the fastest way to find it in the Library is to search the Magazines & Newspapers box on the Library's homepage or the Library tab in the myYC Portal.
For example, you are looking for the article "The Talent Myth" by Malcolm Gladwell that appeared in a past issue of the New Yorker. Step 1 is to find out if the Library has the New Yorker. Type in New Yorker in the Magazines & Newspapers search box.
Notice the different ways we receive the New Yorker. Both the Verde Valley and Prescott Libraries have past and present issues in microform, hardcopy and electronic format. We have access to it in two databases, LexisNexis and ProQuest. Let's select the ProQuest link.
If you are not sure of the specific date the article appeared, you can do a keyword search. Search for: Talent Myth Gladwell
Here is the article you want.
Click on the Full text link to see the article.
Browse by Subject Category
To find what periodical titles we have by subject, return to the Magazines & Newspapers link. Leave the box empty and click the Search button. Select a subject category to see what titles are available and in what format.