Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Started | First full-time contract with YC 1990, first full-time YC faculty contract 1997 |
Basic Writing Skills, Introductory Composition, College Composition I, College Composition II, Technical Writing, ESOL: Reading and Writing (Beg -Adv), ESOL: Speaking and Listening (Beg-Adv), Becoming a Master Student |
Department | Foundations |
Retired | 2016 |
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Dr. Mary Verbout's Career at Yavapai College
Academic Advisor:
August, 1993-April, 2000 Advised and helped students develop their schedules to meet degree plan requirements in all academic disciplines as well as specializing in helping international students.
International Student Club Advisor: 1993-2000 Assisted student leaders in creating a space where international and local students could learn about cultures and have fun.
Innovative Teaching Strategies:
2001-2007 - Worked to create developmental learning communities. The initial community was Starting Block, which included Basic Writing, Reading Improvement, Fundamentals of Math, Becoming a Master Student and Keyboarding. Other communities were the Preparatory Science (Intro Comp, Basic Skills in Lab Science, Career Discovery). Biology Learning Community (College Reading, Biology 100, Intro Comp). Sociology 101 and Intro Comp.
Fall 2013 -Had students read articles about the effect of texting while driving; then worked with the Campus Police Office to create an obstacle course (using information from for students to drive while texting. Students timed each other and observed the driving quality. Students then compared their experience with the information in the articles and wrote argument papers with the data.
Assessment: 2008-2015 Co-directed the English Department Assessment and Standards Project. Worked with full-time, adjunct, online, and high school instructors to assure that Yavapai College composition standards were upheld in all locations across all venues. This required designing portfolio reading and grading sessions attended by 35-45 English instructors, many times twice per semester.
Presentations at Conferences:
Awards: 2001 Barbara McClurg Award Nominee
Significant Curriculum Development:
Committee Work:
Developed and taught ENG091, ENG092, and ENG093- Lab courses which allowed students to skip a developmental writing course and accelerate toward achieving their degrees.
Faculty Association President (1999-2000), Faculty Association Secretary (2000-2001), Faculty Affairs (2 years), Faculty Senate (5 years), Standards Committee (1 year), Founder and Chair of Developmental Education Committee (2012-15), Assessment Committee (2014-2015), Probationary Faculty Review, Dual Enrollment Faculty Review, a number of hiring committees.
Conferences Attended: 1995-Third Annual Fall Navajo Nation Education Conference
Dr. Mary Verbout retired in 2016 and was given Emeritus Faculty status in 2018.