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Emeritus Faculty: Russ Roberts


B.B.A., New Mexico State University
M.B.A., University of Phoenix

At A Glance

Started 1982
Classes Taught Business & Computer 
Department  Business & Computer Science Division
Retired 2013

Additional Information

If you have additions or corrections to this page, please contact the College Archives at 928-776-2262 or  We are especially looking for :

  • Nomination materials of faculty for Emeritus status
  • Classes taught by individual Emeritus faculty 
  • Evidence of their superior teaching at YC
  • Their involvement in committee work and special projects
  • Photographs of them during their time at YC
  • List of written works published, public artwork, music written and performed

Yavapai College Career

The following is an excerpt from the emeritus faculty nomination letter for Professor Russ Roberts,

Dear Emeritus Faculty Nomination Committee members:

It is our pleasure to nominate Mr. Russ Roberts for Emeritus Faculty status this year.  Mr. Roberts meets or exceeds the primary criteria as well as secondary criteria relative to leadership positions held.

As indicated below, Russ’s career at YC spans three decades and includes all four classifications of employee:  staff, adjunct faculty, full-time faculty, and admin.  Russ’s primary role at YC was as full time faculty, and he is most proud of this service to students and the YC community.  Another source of pride is Russ’s leadership role in helping fellow faculty, staff and administrative staff embrace the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results principles.  Russ’s faculty leadership is also evident in the significant list of faculty committee positions held over the course of fourteen years. Russ taught a wide variety of CSA classes and initiated a number of curriculum updates, keeping abreast of changing technology for the benefit of his students. 

Russ’s final years of service at YC were spent leading the BuCS Division and Workforce and Economic Development; a difficult job in an era of uncertainty and reorganization We appreciated Russ’s solid, low-key but effective leadership during this change, and this, along with Russ’s participatory management style, helped the division weather the transition with minimal discomfort.

We believe that Mr. Robert’s over 31 years of dedicated service deserves the recognition of emeritus faculty status, and we hope you will agree that his service to the College, fellow faculty members, students, and community far exceeds the expected standard for this honor. 

Sincerely, Professors Bentz, Lovell, D’Angelo, Russell, Henning, Snavely, & Richard Hernandez



August 1982 – August 1984

Instructional Support Specialist for the Business and Computer Science Division. Supported faculty and helped students in Yavapai College’s new microcomputer lab.

August 1982 – August 1984

Adjunct Faculty for the Business and Computer Science Division. Taught a variety of classes including: Introduction to Data Processing, BASIC Programming, Principles of Programming. and Introduction to Microcomputers.

August 1984 – April 2006

Academic Advisor for Student-Athletes, Business majors, and Computer Science majors.

Advised and helped students develop their schedules to meet degree plan requirements in all academic disciplines as well as specializing in helping Business and Computer Science majors.

August 1984 – 2011

Full-time Faculty for the Business and Computer Science Division.

Taught a variety of classes including:

  • Introduction to Computer Information System
  • COBOL Programming
  • Introduction to Microcomputers
  • Principles of Programming
  • BASIC programming
  • Microsoft Works
  • Microcomputer Databases
  • Microsoft Office
  • Becoming a Master Student
  • Connections: Sports and Society
  • Portfolio
  • Business Management courses

July 1995 – 2006

Facilitator - Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Part of a team at the college that provided Seven Habits workshops to the staff and faculty of Yavapai College. Used the material in the Master Student class.

July 2006 – July 2011

Division Dean of the Business Computer Science Division.

Responsibilities – Oversee the Business and Computer Science division and its programs which include Accounting, Business, Management, Computer Systems and Applications, Computer Networking Technology, Office Administration, and Paralegal studies on the Prescott campus.

January 2007 – June 2013

Facilitator – Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results. Facilitated this leadership workshop for all staff and faculty, significant curriculum development, development of Microsoft Works class, and coordinated and supervised 4-6 instructors in the delivery of this class that typically had over 200 students per semester.

July 2011 – June 2013

Dean of Business, Computer Science, Workforce & Economic Development.

Responsibilities include all of the above with district-wide responsibilities for each of the programs.  Additional responsibilities included overseeing the Small Business Development Center and Custom Training Solutions.